The Altruists Movement

The Altruists organization was born from an idea of creating positive change in our community. It began with the election of the first African American president of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama. During that time there was a resurgence of giving back and creating change for our communities and as strong as it was being felt in New York City, the partners of The Altruists decided to create this organization to help give back and pay forward to the youth from similar backgrounds as us. Coming from immigrant parents, we had to do a lot of navigating on our own when it came to applying for work, college, financial aid and anything outside of our intimate family life, community and culture. Because of lack of funding in the New York City Public School system and overcrowding in city high schools, the reality of the situation is that the past and current curriculum and programs currently available in the public schools just doesn’t prepare the youth for the real world they face after high school. They are bombarded with new procedures and may not necessarily be prepared for what to expect and in return what is expected from them as young adults entering their college career. Through the Altruists programs we want to prepare the youth as much as possible before entering the work force and beginning their college careers. This is why we created the Altruists Movement, an umbrella to which we will provide our community’s youth with preparation and proper training to not only enter their college career, but the work force in New York City as well. Ultimately, one of our many goals is to create this adopted ideology of an Altruistic attitude amongst our youth and our community; Becoming prepared and successful, so that their own success is felt throughout their communities, whether, financially or physically. Welcome to the Altruists movement…let’s pay it forward.